Friday, August 17, 2012

Sausage & Noodle Octopus

When summer vacation means kids are home more than normal it can get challenging to have to do all the cooking & meal preparation.  I've been trying to shared the load with the kids.  Here is an activity / recipe I've seen a number of times and finally was able to try!

Long, hard noodles stuck through sausage. 

 Boil the noodles as usual and they'll look a little like an octopus!

We had ours with homemade spaghetti and meatballs.
I learned that I don't like sausage in my spaghetti.  The kids, however, loved it and couldn't wait for dad to come home so he could try the leftovers!

Next time I think we'll make this with a white cream stew sauce...

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