Miss Mega is 1 year 2 months old
Zilla is 4 years 0 months old

After reading Grow-It we tried to grow roots from the top of a daikon and a carrot.
Miss Mega has enjoyed checking on the plants daily. She now makes a surprised face when she sees them as if they all magically grew over night!
Since we are starting to see pumpkins around town we also read the B-Bears Prize Pumpkin.
Zilla's questions about how plants grow and how seeds work lead us to this book - The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds. Zilla really enjoys the Magic School Bus series because it shares so much detail.
On the activity shelf Zilla found this math exercise. It was really too easy for him. I had been waiting until he had a better grasp of numbers, as the last time he tried it it was too difficult. My timing was a bit off!
Zilla's newest workbook challenge includes the lowercase letters. He is in a sensitive time for writing right now and it is so much fun to watch! When his workbook pages are done for the day (minimum 1 letter, limit of 4) he often goes in search of other writing activities such as our names or pointing out/tracing letters around the house.
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