Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Books From English and Signing Classes

We are now a couple of weeks into the new year so the classes are returning to their normal pace. My remembering to post has not caught up yet though!
My Monday classes have moved to Tuesday and soon the Mommies English class will be replaced with a Baby Signing Time (BST) - Sing and Play class. The BST classes are really starting to get interesting and the kids become more active and start to sign.
So, here are the books we've used over the past couple of weeks. A thank you goes out to the students who were asking about them!
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Japanese translation: おやすみなさいおつきさま
Spot's Snowy Day by Eric Hill
And the new books in our Baby Signing Time class book basket:
These are part of the Sign About series by Anthony Lewis.

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