Here is the schedule that we fell into.
Approximately ever 3 hours went like the following:
Baby wakes up
Play a little
Back to sleep
Since I had essentially nothing in the way of firm plans aside from Sundays it was pretty easy to just sink into a 3 hour rotation. During the night I didn't actively participate in anyplay that was initiated by the baby. The only lights on in the house were night lights and soft music would play in the background. However, during daylight hours we would play and sing together. Lights and louer, more upbeat music were part of the atmosphere. I did it this way to help him understand the difference between night and day.
Around 3/4 months we transitioned toa clock oriented schedule. It made things so much easier for me becasue I was finally back to eating and sleeping at the same times every day. A happy (rested) mommy really does make it easier to care for a baby!
Eating times for baby - 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm
During the night we would feed him on demand but he started sleeping through the night so there weren't regular night time feeding times.
Mommy and Daddy ate at 8am, 12pm, 6pm
Around five months we started solid foods. They were offered at the table when Mommy and Daddy were eating.
Nap times ranged from 2-3 times a day. Usually once around 10am and again after eating and 1 pm. Some times there was also a short evening nap after eating at 4 pm.
Morning started around 6am and he was put to bed at 7/7:30 each night.
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