Miss Mega is 19 Months Old
Recently I've been receiving a lot of "help" around the house. Zilla, being 4 is pretty handy at a number of things. Miss Mega has reached the age where she wants to try many things on her own and, as she watches Zilla do things, wants to help like he does. Of course there are times where the "help" is less than helpful but for the most part if I have things arranged to her ability level she is able to lend a hand. Here are a few examples:

When I go to teach my Baby Signing Time classes Mega comes along to assist. Since we travel by train to class she enjoys the walk to/from the station. With Hopkins and a flashcard set in her backpack she is ready to go.
We also have some outdoor chores such as sweeping up leaves in the street and passing on the neighborhood message folder.
The next two pictures were taken by my computer while I was trying to work one evening. Sometimes I really need to get something done and for some reason I think I can focus while the kids are awake...
Have you ever tried typing with 2 kids hanging on you?
How about with one climbing up while the other tries to snuggle in on the side...???
Now you can see why most of my blog posts are made in the evening, after the kids are in bed.
Some of the other ways Mega has started "helping" include taking dirty clothes to the wash basket. getting out the pajamas at bedtime (we keep them in a basket where the kids can reach), cleaning up toys and books, taking things to the garbage can and clearing the table after meals.
Oh, and helping shovel snow... that is, if we ever get enough to shovel!