Zilla is 8 years old
Mega is 5 years old
Often children have a time of strong interest in a topic. Then, a short time later, they've moved on to another topic. For Zilla and Mega there are some topics they repeatedly return to. One of those is dinosaurs. It seems like 2-3 times a year they have a "dinosaur era". Sometimes it is organic (the interest pops into their own minds) and sometimes it is something we present.
The kids found out about the tour plan a couple of days before we went. To get ready the got out some of their dinosaur toys as well as the flashcards so they could do some review.
Recently the kids have enjoyed a TV show on Japanese Netflix call Dinosaur King. While not highly educational, it is entertaining and sparks a want to learn more.
I know it probably seems strange that a family of creationists would be so into a evolution-based museum exhibit... but in the end we're admiring the same thing. The fact is that dinosaurs existed. The fact is that there is still much to learn about them. We can learn much from the fossils and the research that is being done even if we have different ideas of how the dinosaurs came into being or about how they become extinct.
Before I forget, here are some links to dinosaur things the kids have particularly enjoyed. Hope you enjoy them too!
Buddy Davis's Amazing Adventures